Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Hello, my name is Lynette and also Elaine. I'm also Wan-Ling Liew.):

Being at peace with the world is the greatest thing to me. I like to be peaceful so that I can sleep well. Sleeping makes me feel like Nirvana , although I am not dead yet. I don't like to quarrel with Mom because I love her a lot. She feeds me well and her food is GOOD. I don't wanna quarrel with Dad because I respected him. I just wanted to be left alone with my own world. My own kingdom. My Lord.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Learn to answer questions when you're married and staying with your parents-in-laws! :)

When you're married and you wanna have some fun, OR you wanna buy something that you've always wanted and this subject is not favoured by your mothers, LEARN TO ANSWER QUESTIONS. You will have your HEART'S DESIRE. =)

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Freedom to my two sons.

Journal Entry.

I gave my two sons the key to freedom. One huge key to the 12 year old and another key to the nine year old. My eldest son has an identification card this year of the Rabbit 2011 and both my sons hold passbooks to bank accounts. Their father took to it that they save up their angpow money every treasure year comes Chinese New Year's Eve. I am not working at the moment so this year 2011, I have no angpow for my two boys. But their father gave them a huge sum and so did my in-laws.

My younger boy is very naughty and is in the process of growing up and undergoing growing pains. My eldest one is okay. In my heart, they shall always be my two boys but they are both going to teen age life. Their eyes are open wide and they are very talkative and active and energetic because they get enough good sleep. As for their school work, their father and his sister takes care of it as they know the language Chinese fluently and their father sign their report cards. So far so good.

I wish them both, GOOD LUCK and Momma loves both of you....

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


I went to RI-YAZ HERITAGE MARINA AND SPA in PULAU DUYONG,KUALA TRENGGANU. I took a picture here for memory. I stayed here for three days and two nights at a deluxe chalet luxuriously with marine and spa life at an expense of 2,600 ringgit with breakfast for two each passing day. I stayed with a host / emcee recommended by Red Fm. Both of us are of the same sex. I had a terrific time and I even blogged about it after I reached home safely. I blogged about my fantasy trip. My father fetched me there and fetched me back. He stayed at another motel nearby just to be near and he paid the fare and stay. We liased by handphone and we didn't quarrel. HAPPY ENDING. Romantic getaway for lesbians.....

Friday, July 15, 2011


In one week's time, I'm gonna dye my hair again, this time, a different colour same type REVLON. I'm gonna shave and thread and trim my eyebrows again every month without fail because she was such a good friend. I have found wonderful friends just so recently for the past few months.

I hope to be rewarded with a getaway at a resort and spa and my father pick up the call and answer the phone and is agreeable to undertake. I like the Ri-Yaz Heritage Marina and Spa in Pulau Duyong, Kuala Trengganu and I also like the second choice, the lush Belum Rainforest Resort in Kampung Lenggong, Gerik in Perak although I prefer the first more. I might have to choose if they give the exotic CyberView Resort and Spa in CyberJaya.

Look up for Red FM Radio Renovation on your website and win a stay at any of these amazing resorts for your thoughts. Keep on listening to the difference you make as it's the radio station that's built for you and by you.

I am going on a routine jog and walk at 6 pm everyday of my life with my neighbourhood friend. She is a good sister. My parents go out for walks too and the neighbourhood is full of exercising people of all walks of life. I enjoyed it as I get to meet friends. This is the only time I get to meet and see people and talk.

The only thing that makes me sulky is to see so many ah longs pinning up posters on the trees to looks for victims of money lending. I prayed to God that nobody will be cheated of their bowl of rice at home. I am so angry and many people are aware of this pranks and warned others not to bring out their handphones and get preyed into slavery...

I have cancelled my credit facility and concentrate more on cash transactions. My heart is always right. They are "snakes" inside the banks where money is found. INTEREST rates are VERY HIGH. Please people be advised and self-equipped. To the women of Malaysia , take heed and I love you all...

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Happy Happy Happy HOURS!!!!!

I praise the Lord for my new-found freedom. The Lord Almighty has his ways of moulding up our lives. I was such a wreck not to know that God has been guiding me all along, nurturing me and leading the way, my path and my destiny.

I wanted to thank my Mom for her support. I wanted to say thank you to my Dad for settling my debt on my credit facilities and I wanted to praise my life-partner for memories of sheer pleasure. I wanted to thank the Lord for MOTHERHOOD. Without motherhood, I would never cherished the beauty of childbirth. As Steven Tyler sang in his song, "IT FEELS SO GOOD!".

Destiny's Child was to survive an attack and overcome your greatest fears - Survival of the FITTEST!!!

Happy Father's Day on June 19th and Happy School Holiday!

Love as always,
Wan-Ling / Elaine.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Journal Entry.

It's been one year and one month since I left home and came back with my family. Last two weeks ago I went back to my old home to collect the rest of my clothes and undergarment, before they were being trashed out. I spent a lot of my money on clothes so my clothes were of great value to me and so were my undergarments. My Mom was with me and we bought ORANGES worth of ten dollars to give as an offering. I saw my two boys came home from school and gave them both a hug. My eldest son says he loves the food there and his hands are clean. My younger son says he's still shy in morning school but he's doing real fine.

I also managed to visit my BEST FRIEND before I left for home. My mom had to wait outside the gate for one hour because my mother-in-law went "SHOPPING" with her daughter. After I visited my BEST FRIEND, I managed to walk back to where my Mom was waiting outside the gate and we went for some HIGH TEA. I paid coffee for my Mom and me.

When we reached my old house a second time, my in-laws were already back. We talked rubbish, nonsense and bitter accusations. Then my two sons came home and I went to pack my clothes to be taken away. I asked for a plastic bag and put a whole lot of my precious belongings to take home. After saying GOODBYE to my two sons, Mom and I left for home. I might just come back for more TRASH but I am glad that my stuff mostly clothes had not been thrown away. They mean a lot to me these days....

So I visited my two sons and I said GOODBYE  I think the third time. HOME SWEET HOME.

Monday, March 14, 2011

SUPERMOON~There's a big moon on the rise,Earth's satellite to appear larger and brighter on Saturday March 19th.

George Town : This Saturday,March 19th, the moon will swing around Earth more closely than it has in the past 18 years,lighting up the night sky from just 356,577 km away.The full moon will appear bigger and brighter - but there is "no scientific ground" for panic. Universiti Sains Malaysia's (USM) Astronomy Club academic adviser Assoc Prof Dr Chong Hon Yew said the moon would look larger than normal as it will be closer to the Earth.

"Scientifically, there is no such thing as a "Super Moon" but on March 19, you will see a bigger FULL MOON because it's a LUNAR PERIGEE (when the moon's orbit is closest to the earth)."Saturn will also be visible to the naked eye on that night. What is rare is that there will also be a PLANETARY ALIGNMENT on that day," he said yesterday.Dr Chong said a planetary alignment did not mean that all the planets were in a straight line."Mercury,Venus, Mars,Jupiter,Uranus and Neptune will be very close to the sun within a 50degrees angle and this qualifies as a planetary alignment - it's impossible for all the planets to be in a straight line."

He,however,said the planetary alignment would not be visible because it would be in the DAYTIME SKY.A recent online article had claimed that "chaos would ensue" with huge storms, earthquakes,volcanoes and other natural disasters expected to WREAK HAVOC on Earth. Dr Chong says the planets' gravity effect on Earth was "negligible" compared to the effect of the moon and sun's gravity. Geocosmic Centre for Yi Jing Metascience Reserch Malaysia consultant and I-Ching (the Book of Change) expert Dr Chuah Chong Cheng said that even if something BAD were to happen on SATURDAY,it would be RIDICULOUS to blame it on the moon.

"Saturday is the 15th day of the second month of the Chinese lunar calendar and on March 15, or the Ides of March, Julius Caesar was murdered in 44 B.C.,"said Dr Chuah.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

What is a HORMONE?

A hormone is a chemical substance produced in the body that controls and regulates the activity of certain cells or organs. Many hormones are secreted by specialized glands such as the thyroid gland. Hormones are essential for every activity of daily living, including the processes of digestion, metabolism, growth, reproduction, and mood control. Many hormones,such as the neurotransmitters are active in more than one physical process. Examples of hormones include aldosterone, antidiuretic hormone (ADH), cortisol, erythropoietin, estrogen, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), parathormone, progesterone and testoterone.

A hormone originally denoted a chemical made by a gland for export to another part of the body. Now a hormone is more broadly any chemical, irrespective of whether it is produced by a special gland or not, for export or domestic use, that "controls and regulates the activity of certain cells or organs". The word "hormao" which means "I set the motion" or "I stir up" was used in ancient Greece to covey the "vital principal" of "getting the juices flowing". The word "hormone" was resurrected in 1902 ( not 1906, as the Oxford English Dictionary states ) by the English physiologists Wm. M. Bayliss and Ernest H. Starling who that year reported their discovery of a substance made by glands in the small intestine that stimulated pancreatic secretion. They called the substance "secretin" and dubbed it a "hormone" the first known hormone.

Chemical Imbalance at the brain - Schizophrenia ( The Black Swan ), starring Natalie Portman who won the Best Actress Award in the 83rd Academy Awards in the U.S.A.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Red Fm's 20K Facebook Frenzy and a chance to catch Taylor Swift "LIVE" in UK has SNOWBALLED to RM$3,000.00!

I still don't think that tomorrow morning at 8:30am, I'm gonna hear my name being called out, the odds are, I just will have to sit and listen to know the result so that my ease of mind is established. I still know that if I am hooked, people would want me to play and sit LONGER and use my phone more, and that's not gonna get me the few thousands I have been hoping for recently. So be it, just go with the flow! And the flow is beckoning me to proceed!

Three times nobody called back, so the money's been snowballed to 3 times the actual amount! I am happy like Terry, because he doesn't have anything to do with it, while I am sitting here waiting and waiting like a nerd, knowing nothing and nothing ever happens around here, at least with my chinese name not being called out. I think the word 'chosen' (various person's been chosed by a panel of judges) has something to do with it, and being not picked, makes me unhappy, and I always brush it out of my mind with a jolly good walk out to buy some supper and dinner!

Tomorrow, another day, another waiting period, endless and endlessly waiting for just three more days to end this torment of suspense on who's the ultimate warrior like the last One!The Winner! is never important, what is important is that I took part and I gain a whole lot of knowledge and experience dealing with computers! Whooaa laaaa.

Monday, February 28, 2011

In Case of a break-up, MOVE ON! How big is the world?

I'm thinking about this hobby that I loves....I'm thinking of this work that I like, I'm thinking of this 'act' that I always got myself engrossed in ~ surfing the net - my husband doesn't allow it. He couldn't even SHARE his computer with it that gross that he can only 'share' his underparts with you, that is all? Pay you a little bit of his money, ask you to work a million, shred your skin off for his children who doesn't know or give a damn thing about their mother, or is it that it is so cruel just to allocate my own quiet time to spend on the pc? He wouldn't give, I wouldn't take, either....

I'm now back home with Mom, my pc's provided, my bills being paid, I volunteered not to disappoint my mother, for she's the only one I've got left, I couldn't even win a fight, I will always have to loose... Mother knows best. But when it's time to come to surfing the net, my mother doesn't bother me because I allocate time for her and helped her....I stopped in the middle of my tracks just to help out, and she appreciates it.....

I don't want to go back to that house with no TV, no entertainment, no hobby, just plain utterly lousy sex.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

SAINT VALENTINE - celebrating love and affection between intimate companians.

Numerous early Christian martyrs were named Valentine. The Valentines honored on February 14 are Valentine of Rome and Valentine of Terni. Valentine of Rome was a priest in Rome who was martyred about AD 269 and was buried on the Via Flaminia. His relics are at the Church of Saint Praxed in Rome, and at Whitefriar Street Carmelite Church in Dublin, Ireland.

Valentine of Terni became bishop of Interamna ( Modern Terni ) about AD 197 and is said to have been martyred during the persecution under Emperor Aurelian. The Catholic Encyclopedia also speaks of a third saint named Valentine who was mentioned in early martyrologies under date of February 14. He was martyred in Africa with a number of companians but nothing more is known about him......



On Valentine's Day, we think about
The people who are dear,
How much they add to life's delight
Whenever they are near.

You've always been a total joy,
Such pleasant company,
I / We very much appreciate
Our Compatibility.

On Valentine's Day we think of those
Who make our lives worthwhile,
Those gracious, friendly people who
We think of with a smile.

I am fortunate to know you,
That's why I want to say,
To a rare and special person:
Rudy, Jeremy, Yin.....HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!

Valentine treasures are people who
have often crossed your mind,
family, friends and others too,
Who in your life have shined
the warmth of love or a spark of light
that makes you remember them;
no matter how long since you've actually met,
each one is a luminous gem,
who gleams and glows in your memory,
bringing special pleasures,
and that's why this Valentine comes to you;
You're one of those sparkling treasures!

Valentine's Day is for expressing affection;
Fond thoughts are coming your way,
We've always had a special connection,

Love from,
Elaine / Wan Ling.

Despicable Me - Trailer 6

Despicable Me - Clip: "It's So Fluffy"

I am like this.

SATISFACTION THAT LASTS - Impact, the Slippery Slope of Satisfaction.


mydaily - magazines teaches you on bonding with your mate and getting your earthly pleasures in life.

A Good Sense Of Humour.

Smiling can imply a sense of humour and a state of amusement. Humor is the tendency of particular cognitive experiences to provide laughter and provide amusement. The term derives from the humorol medicine of the ancient Greeks, which taught that the balance of fluids in the human body, known as humours ( Latin : humor, "body fluid" ), control human health and emotion. People of all ages and cultures respond to humour. The majority of people are able to experience humour in example to be amused, to laugh or smile at something funny, and thus they are considered to have a sense of humour.

My husband (ex) is a hypothetical person, lacking a sense of humour and he finds the behaviour induced by humour to be inexplicable, strange or even irrational. I personally like a great sense of humour. I like Robin Williams, or any other comedians of the century. ( Russel Brand is a comedian ).

Alastair Clarke explains : The theory is an evolutionary and cognitive explanation of how and why any individual finds anything funny. Effectively, it explains that humour occurs when the brain recognises a pattern that surprises it, and that recognition of this sort is rewarded with the experience of the humorous response, an element of which is broadcast as laughter.

Humour can be verbal, visual or physical. Nonverbal forms of communication for example, music or art - can also be humorous. The reward is great. To be able to laugh lifts up my spirit. Liven up my attitude in life. I am able to relate better. I can get hold of myself. I can be aspire to continue and persist, only with laughter as an inspiration and not as an insult. I truly believe that in tears, laughter can be the best medicine. Try laughing, in a little while, the sun will be able to shine all over again. Inevitable but true.

CRUSH / Puppy Love / An Adolescent love or infactuation.

Uncertainties, overpowering lust, panic, excitement, impatience or jealousy are some of the symptoms of infactuation. Surprisingly some of the feelings during infactuation are the same when you are in love. It might be towards the girl next door, your classmate, best friend, your senior, friend's brother or sister, a teacher, a celebrity or sister or brothers friends.

However at the same time he/she may not be happy with the lingering suspicions and nagging doubts. Some teenagers in infactuation might make their partners uncomfortable by calling them on the phone, doing some funny or nasty tricks to get the attention. On the otherhand, the shy lovers may just peep through the window to get a glance or may act like a secret Santa who unnoticeably keeps helping when the partner is in trouble.

The recent psychological research depicts that most of these infactuations are bound by sexual intimacy and it ends after a sexual encounter.

Love is an agreement written by lovers on non-degradable objects and states that they will be together forever. There will not have any space for jealousy as they move on together. People in love; whisper their most treasured secrets to each other. True lovers mature in age and experience love as a dynamic process that changes or grows simultaneously.

They enjoy each other's company, and depend on each other in the deepest crisis over the years. The dreams are built on the same platform and met in the same destination. It brings out the best of an individual thus helping the relationship to flourish to greater heights.

Remember that crush or teenage infactuation is the first step for developing normal healthy relationship in future. So don't get scared or disappointed for falling in love. Who knows! She/he may truly become your sweetheart for life.....


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

PERSONALITY DISORDERS - Craving for attention. Don't you notice ME?

Abstract from a Health Magazine :
              I am 29, female, married for 2 years. I have a serious problem with craving for attention. In every relationship or when I am in a crowd, I am obsessed with being at the center of attention. I will go to any lengths to get attention. When I do not get attention, even for a short while, I act in a manner that impairs my relationship with people around me. Some of these people are people I know for years and are important to me. Probably this is because I received extra attention as a kid.
              I send emails to people just to get a response, and when I don't get it, I get wild. I take up jobs like teaching, so people are forced to give me attention....... This is ruining my life and my relationships. I am getting into serious arguments, totally because of my fault. I am also resorting to crazy and harmful resolution mechanisms....

ANSWER : Psychotherapy and mental health problems. Consult a physician Psychiatrist.

Jennifer Aniston, my favourite TV actress, and my favourite movie Star.

Jennifer Joanna Aniston ( born February 11, 1969 ) is an American actress, film director, and producer. She gained worldwide recognition in the 1990s for portraying Rachel Green in the television sitcom "FRIENDS", a role which earned her an Emmy Award, a Golden Globe Award, and a Screen Actors Guild Award.

She is not pregnant and she is also single at 40. She has since recently split with John Mayer. Jennifer is from Sherman Oaks, California. She married Brad Pitt in 2000 - 2005 and was divorced from him.

My favourite actress is Jennifer Aniston and we're both of the same age. I like to watch her in Friends , a sitcom which I used to watch over the TV during my childhood days. I still like to watch it though. I also like to watch movies which starred Jennifer Aniston, for she acts very well. I like to see her in comedies because she makes people laugh easily when acting roles in comedies. I also like her hairstyle and she look very sexy and beautiful as well as gorgeous when she dresses up for the Ball / Red Carpet.

If there is one lady who inspires me and who acts well and is an actress, she is Jennifer Aniston and I love her. She is an inspiring actress, film director as well as producer.

How to respect menstruation periods. What is menstruation?

A woman's cycle tends to shorten and become regular with age. Most of the time, periods will be in the range of 21 to 35 days apart. Menstruation is a woman's monthly bleeding. When a woman menstruates, her body sheds the lining of the uterus (womb). Menstrual blood flows from the uterus through the small opening in the cervix and passes out of the body through the vagina. Most menstrual periods last from 3 to 5 days.
                        When periods come regularly, this is called the menstrual cycle. Having regular menstrual cycles is a sign that important parts of your body are working normally. The menstrual cycle provides important body chemicals, called hormones, to keep you healthy. It also prepares your body for pregnancy each month. A cycle is counted from the first day of 1 period to the first day of the next period. The average menstrual cycle is 28 days long. Cycles can range anywhere from 21 to 35 days in adults and from 21 to 45 days in young teens.
                         When I am having my periods, I don't go out. I always stay at home and clean myself well. I kept myself inactive during my menstruation days and I seldom relate my experiences to other people for fear that they might laugh. But nowadays, I find it light-hearted to talk about it especially about toilet cleaning. Most children talk badly when they see the sign of blood. To them, blood signifies death or an injury. So when my cute boy saw their Mom's excess blood unintentionally left behind due to a hurry or a haste, they screamed out loud. That seems to annoyed me but I told them the story about evolution and bought tapes for them to hear and watch on about the starting of puberty, for girls, because they have to learn and know something about them now that they are maturing into young boys.
                         They do know about it now and I kept myself busy cleaning toilets whenever I'm having my periods. I don't want to alarm an onlooker or a visitor or just maybe an intentional bribe on absolute cleanliness. Now that I have my own TWO hands back, my pair of hands did quite well in keeping the bathroom floor clean and moist and no sign of blood. I clean myself regularly and keep myself dry. This is more hygenic than getting all wet and moist. Good sleep comes well when a girl is dry. She will sleep well through the night. It's like changing diapers on a wet baby who can't sleep through the night. Females are like that too when they are ovulating.
                          I think that menopause is a long way still for me to come. For me, menstruating is like knowing God's promises of a rainbow. After a storm, out shines a radiant rainbow. At least my body parts are functioning well. That's a promise.

Sharing the Toilet / Bathroom! How to Share!

No one likes having to share a bathroom, especially between siblings when you are young. But unless your parents can afford a house where you each get your own bathroom, sharing is inevitable. But as the years go by, you will find an attitude in sharing your own bathroom with someone else. Or an enjoyable dip or jacuzzi with somebody you loved......Time has a strange way of moulding you sometimes, into somebody renowned.

When we get older it is easier to share, as wisdom has its way of reassuring us. Even bathroom topics has become easier and seldom do we fight. In retrospect, each of us has to have a certain respect. A respect for our own bodies, a respect for the opposite sex, which most of us has been taught to in school. Suddenly I saw the whole picture, and able to relate to the circumstances. That's how growing up means to all of us, the ability to understand things.

I like sharing things now. I share almost everything with my Mom, and my kids if there are anythings that boys can use or would do, I can almost share with them. Toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner ,shower gel or shower foam, body shampoo, hand wash, towels maybe reusable after washing ( laundry is done everyday ), but I don't share my toothbrush unless it's somebody that I loved.....for example my baby whom I adored. But now that he's grownup, he uses his very own toothbrush and toothpaste.And I don't share my towels, please.

Facial toiletries are most likely not to be shared among teenagers but since I grow up with having two sons, they don't use any of my makeup other than talcum powder (talc) or a hair brush (comb). I use a facial cleanser, a toner, a moisturizer and a pimple gel (acne). I don't put on make-up nowadays so the cleaning process is not very tough.  I also take supplements to boost up my body immune system and health in order to work well. I also care for my skin.

I think I should have enough. I don't ask for more. If I need anything, I will buy from the drugstore. I buy Dettol Family Shower Hygenic Foam for my two active growing boys for their daily bathing and washing. Cleaning has never been so much fun if the shower gel or creme is "perfumed". The aroma is therapeutic. It works for busy housewives...

Monday, January 24, 2011

My Dear George Clooney!

George Clooney : I Won't Get Married Again!!!

Don't expect George Clooney's love Elisabeth Canalis to join Hollywood's bridal brigade - because her famous beau is not interested in getting hitched.

I hate to blow your whole news story, but I was married , so I gave it a shot.

I applaud Clooney ..... Wish I had been smart enough to realize that Marriage was not the way to lead my life!----But, I have many other things to be thankful for about the truth on marriage -
90%   of the women who enter marriage are doing it just because they want someone to "support" them.

In exchange, they give it up for their husband, grudgingly, the least often as they can!!!

I believe that 90%  of married women stay with their husbands for the benefits he provides. Kinda makes me think that they are all pretty much like "prostitutes".....just a matter of how they are PAID for their "SERVICES"!