Thursday, February 3, 2011

CRUSH / Puppy Love / An Adolescent love or infactuation.

Uncertainties, overpowering lust, panic, excitement, impatience or jealousy are some of the symptoms of infactuation. Surprisingly some of the feelings during infactuation are the same when you are in love. It might be towards the girl next door, your classmate, best friend, your senior, friend's brother or sister, a teacher, a celebrity or sister or brothers friends.

However at the same time he/she may not be happy with the lingering suspicions and nagging doubts. Some teenagers in infactuation might make their partners uncomfortable by calling them on the phone, doing some funny or nasty tricks to get the attention. On the otherhand, the shy lovers may just peep through the window to get a glance or may act like a secret Santa who unnoticeably keeps helping when the partner is in trouble.

The recent psychological research depicts that most of these infactuations are bound by sexual intimacy and it ends after a sexual encounter.

Love is an agreement written by lovers on non-degradable objects and states that they will be together forever. There will not have any space for jealousy as they move on together. People in love; whisper their most treasured secrets to each other. True lovers mature in age and experience love as a dynamic process that changes or grows simultaneously.

They enjoy each other's company, and depend on each other in the deepest crisis over the years. The dreams are built on the same platform and met in the same destination. It brings out the best of an individual thus helping the relationship to flourish to greater heights.

Remember that crush or teenage infactuation is the first step for developing normal healthy relationship in future. So don't get scared or disappointed for falling in love. Who knows! She/he may truly become your sweetheart for life.....


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