Wednesday, February 2, 2011

PERSONALITY DISORDERS - Craving for attention. Don't you notice ME?

Abstract from a Health Magazine :
              I am 29, female, married for 2 years. I have a serious problem with craving for attention. In every relationship or when I am in a crowd, I am obsessed with being at the center of attention. I will go to any lengths to get attention. When I do not get attention, even for a short while, I act in a manner that impairs my relationship with people around me. Some of these people are people I know for years and are important to me. Probably this is because I received extra attention as a kid.
              I send emails to people just to get a response, and when I don't get it, I get wild. I take up jobs like teaching, so people are forced to give me attention....... This is ruining my life and my relationships. I am getting into serious arguments, totally because of my fault. I am also resorting to crazy and harmful resolution mechanisms....

ANSWER : Psychotherapy and mental health problems. Consult a physician Psychiatrist.

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