Monday, January 24, 2011

My Dear George Clooney!

George Clooney : I Won't Get Married Again!!!

Don't expect George Clooney's love Elisabeth Canalis to join Hollywood's bridal brigade - because her famous beau is not interested in getting hitched.

I hate to blow your whole news story, but I was married , so I gave it a shot.

I applaud Clooney ..... Wish I had been smart enough to realize that Marriage was not the way to lead my life!----But, I have many other things to be thankful for about the truth on marriage -
90%   of the women who enter marriage are doing it just because they want someone to "support" them.

In exchange, they give it up for their husband, grudgingly, the least often as they can!!!

I believe that 90%  of married women stay with their husbands for the benefits he provides. Kinda makes me think that they are all pretty much like "prostitutes".....just a matter of how they are PAID for their "SERVICES"!

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