Monday, February 28, 2011

In Case of a break-up, MOVE ON! How big is the world?

I'm thinking about this hobby that I loves....I'm thinking of this work that I like, I'm thinking of this 'act' that I always got myself engrossed in ~ surfing the net - my husband doesn't allow it. He couldn't even SHARE his computer with it that gross that he can only 'share' his underparts with you, that is all? Pay you a little bit of his money, ask you to work a million, shred your skin off for his children who doesn't know or give a damn thing about their mother, or is it that it is so cruel just to allocate my own quiet time to spend on the pc? He wouldn't give, I wouldn't take, either....

I'm now back home with Mom, my pc's provided, my bills being paid, I volunteered not to disappoint my mother, for she's the only one I've got left, I couldn't even win a fight, I will always have to loose... Mother knows best. But when it's time to come to surfing the net, my mother doesn't bother me because I allocate time for her and helped her....I stopped in the middle of my tracks just to help out, and she appreciates it.....

I don't want to go back to that house with no TV, no entertainment, no hobby, just plain utterly lousy sex.

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