Monday, January 24, 2011

My Dear George Clooney!

George Clooney : I Won't Get Married Again!!!

Don't expect George Clooney's love Elisabeth Canalis to join Hollywood's bridal brigade - because her famous beau is not interested in getting hitched.

I hate to blow your whole news story, but I was married , so I gave it a shot.

I applaud Clooney ..... Wish I had been smart enough to realize that Marriage was not the way to lead my life!----But, I have many other things to be thankful for about the truth on marriage -
90%   of the women who enter marriage are doing it just because they want someone to "support" them.

In exchange, they give it up for their husband, grudgingly, the least often as they can!!!

I believe that 90%  of married women stay with their husbands for the benefits he provides. Kinda makes me think that they are all pretty much like "prostitutes".....just a matter of how they are PAID for their "SERVICES"!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Hi, my name is Wan Ling, and I'm Malaysian. I'm proud to be a Malaysian!

I picture myself like this.

Wan Ling Liew starting 2010

I am quite simple at heart. If you make me happy, I shall follow you all my life. If you feed me and take me with you, I will follow you and serve you all the days of my life. Please don't make me sad, please don't harrass me, if I did something wrong in your own eyes, don't tell me so directly that it hurts me, tell me in a sweet way that makes me want to change for the sharing my life with you , make me happy and I shall always stay beside you forever always.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Nanny Mcphee and me Katherine Mcphee - Terrified!

My two boys are very independant pupils now. They know how to clean themselves carefully, take their meals on time and play together as well as studied and help each other as brothers to brothers. I have never seen them fight so much nowadays as school put them mostly together in the same session. The elder one will keep an eye on the younger one during recess time and eating has never been so much fun!

My elder son is a top student in his school and is in the first class. He aspires to excel and further his studies. The younger one reminds me of a good Samaritan now so lacking these days because like me, he has a beautiful heart of Gold...... I love him very much because you seldom find a good man with a tremendous dose of kindness these days.....Maybe oneday when he grows up, he will find a woman of his his mother he so much adores. I shower him with a lot of kisses everyday and he behaves like he was a baby when we were together.

I kind of think my eldest son represents his father a lot. At least it seems a lot of his thinking are so much alike his father who taught him to be stern and strict even to his brother. So times , a boy likes to have fun, just like I,as a woman and a mother, would like to have some fun too. All work and no Play makes Jack a Dull boy. And I would never want to be dull.

I am a jovial, slightly playful type and likes to have some fun. But to a certain limit. I teach my boys always to take a break and relaxe as their school books are piling so high up and the subjects are getting stricter. Studying has been less fun since my school days came to an end. My boys study like mad and the subjects are getting more and more harder to follow. As if nowadays, we are all raising Geniuses....

To some extent, I leave my boys alone, because I want to give them space to grow.....Growing Pains.....Boys will be boys...... I love them all!!!!!!