Sunday, November 11, 2012

Cendol and Ice-Kacang are my FAVOURITES desserts !!!!!!!

 Calling for Cendol is slightly cheaper but if you're ever hungry, go for Ice-Kacang, it'll make you completely FULL !!!!!!! Amazed ! Of course if it's lunch time, eat some noodles or rice first before dessert, that is the normal routine but if you're only dying for desserts, well, GO FOR THIS TWO ! Cendol or Ice-Kacang ?
Cendol if I'm half almost full, and Ice-Kacang if I'm madly in-love with it and want to taste it to the fullest ! The ice doesn't gets to my teeth, I still use Darlie toothpaste and NOT sensodyme like my father and brother whose teeth are completely spoiled, PRAISE THE LORD , my teeth doesn't hurt when I bite unto the ICE !

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