Sunday, November 11, 2012

Cendol and Ice-Kacang are my FAVOURITES desserts !!!!!!!

 Calling for Cendol is slightly cheaper but if you're ever hungry, go for Ice-Kacang, it'll make you completely FULL !!!!!!! Amazed ! Of course if it's lunch time, eat some noodles or rice first before dessert, that is the normal routine but if you're only dying for desserts, well, GO FOR THIS TWO ! Cendol or Ice-Kacang ?
Cendol if I'm half almost full, and Ice-Kacang if I'm madly in-love with it and want to taste it to the fullest ! The ice doesn't gets to my teeth, I still use Darlie toothpaste and NOT sensodyme like my father and brother whose teeth are completely spoiled, PRAISE THE LORD , my teeth doesn't hurt when I bite unto the ICE !

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

This is my dress code in life and this is all that I have got left of my savings. The rest is all on Food for the Soul .....! ( My mother's teachings )

I wear tights at home for ease and leisure. There are extremely comfortable. I wear sports shoes because I walk a lot and my fitness comes from my walks to the marketplace. I develope a stream of vitality when I sweat it out on my walks. It is like stepping on a tread mill and walking non-stop. It gives me a sense of vitality that I desire.

My short jeans looked like these and I like to wear them trendy with a school bag anywhere other than church.

I wear jeans like these. There are mostly tight and people called it tight jeans. I wear jeans to church. I wear a coat attire to keep myself warm in church.

Overall, I looked like this when I wear casual and trendy. My Mom taught me to wear long because I am a woman.....My shoes are like above.

Happiness is wearing shoes that look like these....... I love it !

Monday, April 9, 2012

My dream is to fly on an airplane ALL OVER AGAIN !!!!!!!!

Just look at the picture above ! I am taking a picture standing beside a huge gigantic air plane !!!!!! My dream is to fly in the sky all over again , on a trip to an adventurous holiday overseas !!!!!! I wish to take the flight all over again, on an AIR PLANE !!!!!! One day my dream shall come true because my Dad had taken all of us to renew our Passports at the government centre just end of last year ! And we had renewed it to last for five whole long years !!!!!!! At the end of my waiting period, I will be sitting on an airplane or an aeroplane on a flight abroad overseas to visit my brother in Australia !!!!! His family has already migrated over to Australia and his children are all studying abroad ! I hope to realise my dream all too good soon !!!!!!!

I just can't wait for that auspicious day to appear. But now as to wait for my waiting period to end, I must work and work and work. Work unto my duties. Serve and to serve with utmost courtesy. My father shall pay for my bill and air flight. I shall pray that my Dad feels well enough to fly all over again. It has been a long waiting period. I hope that my waiting period one day will soon end. Right now my Dad is recuperating from an operation treatment on his prostate. He has had stone blocking his prostate and he had problem urinating. He urinates with pain so he went to scan to find out he has stones inside and he had to be treated upon in Hospital Selayang. Just come Easter he had been borned again in the sense that he has had his stones removed and was well onto the road to recovery. Praise the Lord for his well-being. He is resting well at home and he had my loving hands to be served upon.

This Easter I witness a miracle. I found transport back to church at Triumphant Christian Center. My brother had already gave the green light and said that it was a good church. It is situated just outside my house at the shoplots but the service is at night and I had to find my transport to and fro. I finally find Pauline, a kind and good Christian friend who did not settle for my payment but to offer service of driving me with her to the church at night for worship and back.

I hope that one day I will be working for the church event too and get involved with the church group. I wish to honour the Lord and offer my own loving hands to the church as a commitment to the Lord and to pass my time sincerely as my days are long. I am a filial daughter as much as a loyal and faithful servant of Christ. Praise and Glory unto the Lord, my GOD !

Friday, January 13, 2012

GOD-LIKE STATUE : My future holds no dreams for me......):

The future holds NO dreams for me....I am in my early forties and I am aging GRACEFULLY, thanks to Mom who takes care of our household and all our stomachs..Me and my Dad and my blood brother - all Mom takes care of our stomachs. OUR PRECIOUS BUTLER. I want to praise God for mom.

I have no destination , no dream, no fulfillment, no ecstasy, no fear, no havoc, no urge, no difficulties except in health and in travelling...I don't own a car, I am not allowed to drive, and I am never given the chance or the opportunity to parrrtttyyy. SUCKS! All I ever do is surt the internet and evolve my passion to write..... THANKS and I had PRAISE The LORD!

I like the God-Like Statue above which I picked out among all the lousy pictures of sexy girls... I value God's eternity and the picture once reminded me of my trip to Holland, Amsterdam, when I was aged 24. Young and juvenile. But I had gazed on a statue of a wounded Lion out at Amsterdam then, it was about the war in Europe where the battle had wounded the Lion, the mighty king, with a shield and a sword where he was howling painstakingly because he was about to die in the battle, I don't know much about Europe's history, I am truly Asian in heritage....

I was filled with awe at the battle and at the wounded Lion and now gazing at this picture above, gave me the eerie feeling about GOD, when I looked at this God-Like Statue...I am amazed and appalled as always at the sight of GOD.....I had loved the LORD..Thanks Jesus for giving your life for us as a sacrifice so that we might have ETERNAL life and thanks for bearing the pain at Calvary! Thank you!