Thursday, June 2, 2011

Happy Happy Happy HOURS!!!!!

I praise the Lord for my new-found freedom. The Lord Almighty has his ways of moulding up our lives. I was such a wreck not to know that God has been guiding me all along, nurturing me and leading the way, my path and my destiny.

I wanted to thank my Mom for her support. I wanted to say thank you to my Dad for settling my debt on my credit facilities and I wanted to praise my life-partner for memories of sheer pleasure. I wanted to thank the Lord for MOTHERHOOD. Without motherhood, I would never cherished the beauty of childbirth. As Steven Tyler sang in his song, "IT FEELS SO GOOD!".

Destiny's Child was to survive an attack and overcome your greatest fears - Survival of the FITTEST!!!

Happy Father's Day on June 19th and Happy School Holiday!

Love as always,
Wan-Ling / Elaine.